“I’ve never met a woman architect before…” Gift List

“I’ve never met a woman architect before…”  

Gift List

Yes, I actually have a collection of Starbucks ornaments that I made the total mistake of setting up last year, not giving enough mind to overturning forces and the live loads that passed by it, two minutes after this photo was taken, the entire thing ended up on the floor… Three guesses what I am hoping my kids will get me this year???

Ok, i will admit it, architects can be a little difficult to buy for and I think the number one reason is that people think that we have expensive taste, and though we may appreciate some very nice, well designed items, there are quite a few that would be treasured (or at least consumed) no matter what and I am trying to limit architecture books, though those items are greatly appreciated also.

I’m going to shy away from practical things like work boots and hard hats, because they are business expenses and as a gift (it’s like getting underwear from you MIL, yes, it’s useful but I’d rather choose my own style/size please to ensure the best comfort/fit.

One of the rules that I have repeated to many are, “don’t give architects (or teenagers) something that you think would be cool, unless you have been told by them that it is cool… and even then, as my daughter said several years ago, “i said i thought it was cool, i didn’t say that i wanted it…”

When faced with color choices, choose the standards, it’s just safer...:

These are about the only “apparel” products I will be posting as I am not that into t-shirts with things on them, but i am also one of those people who doesn’t like a brand name on any clothing product, but I like these guys and when I can, I like to promote people I like.

I like to sketch, but I also like to watercolor so here’s a neat little set and paper for under $25.



These two women went to architecture school, were working in the profession and then they weren’t but instead of doing nothing about it, they took their show on the road and they did this:  
Enjoy some Frank Berry and Peter Cookies


@suyadesigns on Instagram

These bags are all leather (and some new cowhide ones) and are cut and handstitched by a California woman-owned and operated business.  

There are always great architecture books out there but I am focusing on these three for a change of pace,

This ring from Tiffany.  This ring is sterling silver and $150, so before you purchase that new tech device for twice the price for yourself, think about getting the architect you love, this.

And if you want to support a local craftsperson and business, one can find one at a place like this, I saw one there too.


Cuff Links
Everybody kids me about this but I really like cuff links and I cannot tell you how many people’s resonse is,
“Well, where are you supposed to get french cuffs for them???”
They still make those too and are available at a variety of places in men’s and women’s sizes and styles.

Here are some cool ones I found at just local department stores and online stores.

Storer usonian block cufflinks


Everyone wants the Eames Chair and Ottoman, I’m a woman, give the womb a try :)

I put this down every year and I guess I must be on “The Naughty List” because I have yet to receive it…

My final suggestion is:
Membership to an Museum, Support the Arts
Here is the link to The Museum of Contemporary Art in San Diego, currently undergoing a remodel and renovation to the La Jolla, California location by two architecture firms who are owned by women, Selldorf Architects and LPA, Inc. The Museum Cafe is still open and members get a discount.  This museum also gets a grant that gives free admission to all people 25 and under, which means you can bring your kids, even the older ones, no excuses!


Thanks for reading my “i’ve never met a woman architect before…” Gift List and if you would like other Gift List suggestions, follow these links to:


Life of an Architect’s

I am now offering sponsorship opportunities and I am grateful for that. Please contact me via my website below for more information.


  1. I think the addition of a membership to a museum is a terrific idea - I'm putting that one on my list for 2018!

    1. Thanks Bob! i hope you include the cuff links as well :)

  2. I love the museum idea! And yeah... me too... been on naughty list too long, no BMW i8 with a red bow on top :-)

    1. right??? trying to figure out how a woman can get a guy who will buy her those things, probably not in the architect as husband category...

  3. Awesome post.Thanks For share this post with us. Many women opt to wear varied accessories so as to stress a particular piece that they want to concentrate on. If a lady women leather bracelet wears a jewellery, it may well be her subconscious thinking that her chest ought to have a a lot of necessary focus, compared to the opposite body components. If she needs to wear earrings,


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